Water Board Documents
ATS is one of five programs approved by the Regional Water Control Board, Region 5 to generate and submit annual reports for the Dairy General order. Not only does ATS track and store all farm input data, it takes that raw data, calculates and generates...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Air Board Documents
Air Board Maps and documents can be made and stored inside ATS. The San Joaquin Vallet Air Pollution Control District requires detailed field maps when filing ATC’s for new engines or facilities. ATS is a great platform to build your maps and store your information.
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
County Maps, Soil Maps, Boundary Maps, Facility Maps
Getting detailed information about your field can span much deeper than just acres with our mapping tools and layers. Here is just a quick list of the additional map layers we have: County Maps Soil Maps APN Maps Waterboard Coalition Maps Section Township Range Maps...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Environmental Health Documents
ATS will allow your to generate your County Environmental Health Maps and store all your legal documents for future upload into CERS. This will help stay in compliance with yet another government agency.
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
File Dropbox for All Shared Documents
ATS created a generic drop box that allows you to share all your important documents that many of your teammates may need to view time to time. For example, lease agreements, hauler manure manifests, wastewater agreements, packer or huller shed programs and agreements, safety records,...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Irrigated Lands Reporting Documents
ATS has developed a very robust program that delivers accurate information directly into Irrigated Lands Reporting Program (ILRP) reporting documents. When your farm field data is entered from start to finish, your Irrigated Lands Reporting Program (ILRP) documents are generated and stored waiting for delivery to your...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Safety Records
ATS has the capability of saving and producing all of your safety records at a moments notice. Stay connected and stay safe. This feature will help your entire farm team be productive by saving time.
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Other Great Features
Today's pick
Trinitas Farming
Agri Tracking Systems brings real-time visibility and tracking to Trinitas Farming Agri Tracking Systems (ATS) provides integrated software to help growers plan, map, track, store, analyze, and report on every aspect of the farming operation. Trinitas farms over 20,000 acres of almonds and olives in...
Fine Grained Staff Permissions
ATS know your farm information is valuable and sensitive! This is why we developed a Fine-Grained staff permission feature of the program. ATS has the ability to allow access for certain individuals to access and input data in the system. For example, Irrigators may only...