Cost Budgeting & Forecasting
Planning out costs for your next season is quick and easy. With ATS you can set up different budgeting scenarios and then assign costs to those products and see exactly how much you plan to spend. We provide a detailed report giving everything from total cost...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Dairy General Order Reporting (RWQCB 5)
ATS was originally developed to facilitate the Dairy general order. When the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) was invoked, we made a few changes and pulled off the bovine herd information and away we went. ATS works with the designated coalitions to receive required farm...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Detailed Field Application & Sample Report
Our Detailed Field Application report gives you all of the information about your field, crop, harvest totals, nutrient ratio, tissue sample date, season length and more. Whether you are managing 100 acres or 10,000 acres, this report is a huge help for getting a high-level...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
ILRP General Order Reporting (RWQCB 5)
ATS was originally developed to facilitate the Dairy general order. When the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) was invoked, we made a few changes and pulled off the bovine herd information and away we went. ATS works with the designated coalitions to receive required farm...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Nitrogen & Irrigation Summary
With costs and growing regulations constantly making farming more difficult making informed decisions on the fly is necessary. With our Nitrogen and Irrigation Summary report, you can see at a glance exactly how much water you have applied overall and to each field. Additionally, we total...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Applied / Planned Field Applications
ATS has a full calendar scheduling module like no other! We developed this for everyone who steps foot on the farm, from the owner, upper management, ranch managers, labor contractors, irrigators, tractor drivers, custom applicators, custom harvesters and who ever else needs to know what...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Certified Nutrient Management Plan
ATS has a format that will assist any Certified Crop Advisor to generate an NMP that is detailed for each specific client. ATS also has the ability to easily edit or amend your NMP and store it. This is very valuable when any type of...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Cost Breakdown & ROI Analysis
ATS has developed by request, the ability to perform Cost breakdown and ROI Analysis. We do this by plugging in ALL crop input costs and estimated crop profits. This is not quite a full accounting system, but close. ATS also has the ability to download...
Agri Tracking Systems,
7 years ago
1 min read
Other Great Features
Today's pick
Trinitas Farming
Agri Tracking Systems brings real-time visibility and tracking to Trinitas Farming Agri Tracking Systems (ATS) provides integrated software to help growers plan, map, track, store, analyze, and report on every aspect of the farming operation. Trinitas farms over 20,000 acres of almonds and olives in...
Fine Grained Staff Permissions
ATS know your farm information is valuable and sensitive! This is why we developed a Fine-Grained staff permission feature of the program. ATS has the ability to allow access for certain individuals to access and input data in the system. For example, Irrigators may only...